An Introduction to the Napoleonic Period

The Napoleonic Period spans little more than two decades, yet the mark it has left upon Western civilization cannot be underestimated.

Napoleon Bonaparte was a Corsican who hated France, but went to live there in order to further his personal ambitions. From a humble artillery sergeant, he emerged from the turmoil of the French Revolution to become the ruler of half of the known world.

The Napoleonic Period spans roughly 1797 to 1815, with his final defeat at Waterloo. The hostilities between France and various other nations was intermittent, but one thing was clear: England was the only country to consistently remain at war with France throughout this period.

While Napoleon was able to win stunning victories against all of the other European nations, the English not only held, their own, their heroic efforts in “The Peninsular War,” from 1808 until 1814, to take back Portugal and Spain and eventually invade the South of France, was a monumental achievement that could only have been engineered by one man: Sir Arthur Wellesley, later known as The Duke of Wellington.

All of the Napoleonic War novels here at HerStory Books are based upon the eyewitness accounts of the time. Gripping, suspenseful, and sexy, they embody what makes an historical romance great.

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