Call Home the Heart Review

5.0 out of 5 stars
Moving and passionate
Historical Romance
Ireland, January 1845

Muireann Graham Caldwell and Augustine, her husband of two weeks, are on a journey to Barnakilla, his estate in northwest Ireland. However, Augustine goes no farther than a Dublin grave, after putting a gun to his head and pulling the trigger.

After living with constant criticism from her mother and sister for not being a proper lady, and defying her strict father by learning all sorts of masculine things, Muireann Graham Caldwell is not about to run home to Scotland now. With the help of Lochlainn Roche, Barnakilla’s estate manager, Muireann is determined to travel on to her new home.

When Lochlainn met the ship carrying the newlyweds, he was taken by the ethereal beauty of Augustine’s wife, but the next months prove the lady possesses strength…and a will of iron…that belie her fragile looks.

She needs that toughness, for her “wealthy” husband bankrupted a once prosperous estate in the three years since he inherited, and he’d already gambled away the thousands of pounds from Muireann’s father that he had been given as her dowry.

The last few years have been hard ones, and the hundred tenants who depend on Barnakilla are in arrears with their rents and have no means to pay in the foreseeable future. Muireann always wanted adventure; she’s wanted to prove to herself and her family that she’s capable of more than tea parties and dancing. Here is her chance.

CALL HOME THE HEART is very much Muireann’s story. She has an almost impossible task ahead of her — already the portents hint at the disastrous potato famine to come — but she rallies and leads the people in rebuilding Barnakilla.

Lochlainn grew up on the land, and he’s there to help her, but she’s the dynamic one. He’s an interesting character, who was betrayed in the past and loath to risk his heart again. He’s torn between wanting to be Muireann’s partner, and believing he’s not good enough for her.

The tenants and landed neighbors play important roles in CALL HOME THE HEART, for they add warmth on the one hand and conflict on the other. While the relationship between Muireann and Lochlainn waxes and wanes, the plot revolving around the fight to feed the people and save the estate takes off at a run and turns CALL HOME THE HEART into an all-nighter. And a nail-biter.

CALL HOME THE HEART is a moving and passionate novel fans of history and romance will enjoy.
Jane Bowers
Romance Reviews Today

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