Heart’s Desire

Heart's Desire by Sorcha MacMurrough

Heart’s Desire

Sorcha MacMurrough

Nurse Sinead Thomas rescues the hospital’s handsome architect Austin Riordan from a life-threatening situation. Touched by the high-powered man’s sudden vulnerability, she agrees to his proposal to
become his private nurse over the Christmas holidays while he recovers his full health.

Sinead gets more than she bargained for as she gets drawn inextricably into the web of sensuality spun by her domineering new employer. The passionate relationship they forge is like nothing Sinead has never known, and she soon finds herself falling in love with her
enigmatic new boss.

But a cunning woman from Austin’s past soon sets herself up as a professional and very personal rival to Sinead at the hospital and in Austin’s life.

Is Austin really all he seems? Or has he been playing her all along to further his own hidden agenda? Has his power and passion blinded her all along?
Can Austin and Sinead fight their inner and outer demons to secure their hearts’ desire?

Heart’s Desire
Sorcha MacMurrough

67,000 words

Setting: Modern Ireland
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