Modern Romances

Modern romance is the most popular of all the romance genres. Category and series romance, chick lit, inspirational romance, suspense romance, there are a lot of different lines out there.

Do you like total standalone romances, or a series?

Who are your favorite authors?

What are your particular pet peeves?

We’ll start off. We all HATE series romances that show they are just that–they introduce a whole bunch of characters, when what we really want is to see the heroine fall in love with the hero. Especially when some of the books are so short! Less is more when it comes to character development.

We also HATE the ‘romances’ where they were once in love/married. It went wrong, usually because of fouled up communication. Not very exciting. We would much rather see something fresh and different than two people snarling at each other over past supposed or real wrongs, and exacting retribution for them throughout the book.

Thoughts, anyone? Feel free to post your comments below.


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