The Matchless Miss Book Review

What a terrific book, fast-paced, suspenseful, and spicy. I just finished it and my head is still buzzing with scenes from it.

Sarah and Alexander are written so well, they are like real people to me. I know the wounded hero and quiet spinster has been done elsewhere, but I certainly haven’t read any like this. Or any Regency romances that weren’t either full of ‘fluff’ or a bunch of strung together sex scenes.

The Matchless Miss is neither. This is real historical Regency romance and historical romance. The chemistry between the hero and heroine can’t be beat. He is blind, and recovering from some serious injuries after the Napoleonic wars, so physical intimacy as she helps heal him and they touch leads to the inevitable, and some sensual sizzling love scenes. We really follow the characters as they fall in love with one another.

We have balls, dancing, suitors, life in Bath, all you would expect from a Regency, and a very sensual couple. But that is not the only thing going on in this romance.

On another level, this book is a suspenseful thriller, for “Alexander” has no real idea of who he is, his true identity. As soon as Sarah starts seeking the truth, all hell breaks loose.

She and her new-found love are in danger seemingly from every side, and she is pretty much alone in her struggles. Most of the Rakehells are off on their summer travels, her brother Jonathan on honeymoon with his new bride [The Miss Matched], the Duke off with his sister Elizabeth in Ireland [see The Scarred Heart for this other great sexy story].

Both Sarah and Alexander live up to the names heroine and hero of this super sensual and suspenseful Regency romance that will keep you turning the pages. Sarah in particular really holds her own, a strong heroine without being witchy, and a woman full of love and compassion, willing to risk anything to win the man she adores.


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